Motorsports like the Formula 1 often receive criticisms because of its inability to influence the lives of ordinary people. Motorsports like car racing is an expensive act and only rich people or companies can participate in it.
Moreover, the risk involved in sports events like formula 1 is more compared to that in other sports events. All these factors force ordinary people to take away their attention from formula 1 events to other sports events such as football, cricket, and tennis.

However, Williams F1 is going to change all these traditional concepts about formula 1 events. They have already developed an incubator called the Babypod 20 which is capable of saving the lives of children who were born prematurely or with critical diseases.
Unlike traditional incubators, the Babypod 20 is capable of moving from one place to another without causing any damage to the child. It should be noted that the transportation of new-born babies is a complex task for medical science.

It is believed that the Babypod 20 will help doctors to shift new-born babies from one hospital to another if necessary. It is not necessary that all hospitals have the same facilities and the services of expert doctors. Imagine a case in which a baby takes birth in a hospital with a severe heart problem and the hospital does not have an expert cardiologist in service.

Earlier it was impossible for the hospital to transport the new-born heart patient to another hospital because of the concerns about the possible heart failure on the way. Now it is possible to shift that baby to another hospital using the Babypod 20. The Babypod 20 is a lightweight box which is constructed using transparent materials. The inner portion of the box is padded properly so that the sick babies may not experience any problem during transportation.

The carbon fiber which is normally used to make F1 cars is used for the manufacturing of the Babypod 20. The design of the Babypod 20 is made in such a way that the temperature inside the box will not vary during transportation. Moreover, the baby will be protected from vibrations and noises during transport while using the Babypod 20. Since the lid of the box is transparent, it is possible for the medical team which accompanies the baby during transportation to monitor the conditions of the baby on a regular basis.

The weight of the earlier version of the Babypod 20 was more compared to the newer version. The newer version weighs just 20lbs and it takes very little space during transport. Even if the transporting vehicle collides with another vehicle, the impact will not affect the baby very much because of the new design.
To conclude, motorsports companies have proved that they can influence the lives of ordinary people as well. They have proved their commitments to the society with the introduction of the Babypod 20. Corporate social responsibility is one of the highly debated topics in the business world and Williams F1 has proved that even motorsports companies can do something for the betterment of the society.