The automotive industry is a branch of the industry that deals with the design, development, production, marketing and sale of motor vehicles. Some companies and organizations involved in the automotive industry are referred to as car manufacturers. The automotive industry does not include industries dedicated to car maintenance after delivery to the end user, such as car dealerships, mechanical stores and gas stations.
The basic products in the automotive industry are passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (pickup trucks), including pickup trucks, sports cars and vans. Commercial vehicles (trucks and buses), although important to the industry, take a secondary role in the automotive industry.

The car industries have made the car an integral part of the lives of a large number of people. The car allowed long distances to be traveled in a short time, faster and easier transportation between cities, and ultimately helped people save time.
The development of the car as we know it today began in 1885. The greatest progress was made in the early 20th century when Ford invented the conveyor belt. This has led to mass production and almost every one of us today owning a vehicle.
Now we come to the fact that as the goal is to reduce air pollution from car exhausts, the auto industry is increasingly turning to the production of smaller and more fuel-efficient models that have electric motors. More and more IT companies are trying to get into these projects, trying to maximize driver safety.
Industries have started releasing models that do not need a driver, but the car is moving itself through information networks. Smart, autonomous and trustworthy, this awaits us in the near future. Google is one of the companies that has already announced this with its revolutionary self-driving car. Luxury, futuristic design, hydrogen propulsion are just some of the fascinating features of the new models.
Today we will introduce you some of the most important products without which there would be no cars…

A car is a complex device that is made of thousands and thousands of different parts, and yet its basic and most useful part, a part without which no car could function is an engine. The engine is considered the “heart” of the vehicle, that is, its basic driving force. After all, when it comes to the very beginnings of the automotive industry, that period is very much related to the invention of the internal combustion engine, which made it possible to develop all that.
The innovation in technology is responsible for bringing improvement in a variety of fields. It brings advancement in the automotive industry and addressed all the issues it was previously facing. You can calculate the velocity of different automotive online through the use of a velocity calculator. According to the engine control module programming allows vehicles to perform everyday tasks like lowering the windows or unlocking the doors.
The engine operates on the principle of internal combustion, which essentially means that a certain energy fluid, such as gasoline or diesel, must be ignited to create a small controlled explosion that creates pressure in a closed system, in this case inside the engine. Hundreds of these tiny explosions take place every minute inside the engine, resulting in the car moving in a certain direction.

No brakes no ride! This mechanical device is responsible for slowing down and stopping the vehicle or body in motion, in such a way that it absorbs energy from the movement system itself. It is used, of course, to slow and stop vehicles, wheels, axles, or to prevent movement, most commonly by applying friction.
The brakes produce a force or torque in the opposite direction from the direction of motion or rotation, thus converting the kinetic energy of the body in motion into another form of energy. There are many different types on , both on the principle on which they work as well as the purposes.
Rubber Grommets

These are small rubber parts that are used to prevent wire damage.
There are different shapes and dimensions, as well as different applications. It is most commonly used for wiring when it comes to the automobile and plays the role of protecting it from sharp parts and wear and tear. If you want to find more about rubber grommets, click here.
The gearbox is an element of the power transmission system of motor vehicles, which adjusts the parameters of power (torque and angular speed – engine speed) to the current conditions of movement of the vehicle, ie. road conditions.

The gearbox allows the vehicle to change gears, thereby transferring power from the engine to the drive shaft in the most efficient way possible. At lower gears (lower gears), this increases the available power while reducing speed. On the other hand, higher gears (higher gears) reduce power while increasing car speed.
Although there has been an automatic transmission in the market for a long time, with the manual one, there is still no “final verdict” which is better. Clutch pressure and manual gear shifting are actions that drivers do more or less mechanically, automatic transmissions undoubtedly make driving more comfortable, but the longevity and some other things are questioned.

The battery stores electricity for future use. It generates a voltage through a chemical reaction that occurs when two substances of opposite values, such as positive and negative plates, are immersed in the electrolyte, ie. sulfuric acid solution in water.
In a conventional lead-acid battery, the cell voltage is approximately 2 V, which means a total of 12 V. The electrical current flows through the battery when the circuit between the positive and negative poles is closed. This happens when a device that needs electricity, such as a radio, plugs into a battery.
When it comes to batteries, customers often have various concerns regarding the correct choice, use and maintenance of their products after purchase. This is a very complex issue from a technological and chemical point of view, as well as from the point of view of categorization. Not only are batteries used in everyday use, but they also have many industrial uses.

Car seats are the seats built into automobiles for drivers and passengers as well as special child seats. Depending on the type of vehicle used and the distinction between driver and passenger seats and the level of equipment, the seats installed in automobiles can fundamentally differ significantly.
The more luxurious the car, the more seats are made of better materials, as well as more comfortable. Child seats are legally required to be used and vary greatly in comfort. The rear seats can usually be folded down to increase the volume of trunk.
Shock absorbers

A shock absorber is a device for damping shock energy or damping oscillations. It is widely used, especially in motor vehicles and aircraft.
They began to be used in the early 20th century to provide a more comfortable ride, but it was soon discovered that the benefits of using them were much greater. They extend the life of vehicles and components due to reduced shocks, increase vehicle speed, and give better stability.

By type, they can be one-sided and two-sided. One-sided acts in only one direction of force, and two-sided in both directions.
The types of shock absorbers are various, such as hydraulic, mechanical, rubber, etc.
These are just some of the main components of a car, and years of learning are required to really know how vehicles work.